Me Me2

Chenyu Heidi Zhang


JHU Center of Language and Speech Processing

Chenyu Zhang, Benjamin Van Durme, Zhuowan Li, and Elias Stengel-Eskin. Visual Commonsense in Pretrained Unimodal and Multimodal Models. NAACL 2022.

Chenyu Zhang, Tal Linzen. Assessing LSTM's ability to predict Chinese nominal classifiers based on syntactic cues. Hopkins Undergrad Research Journal (HURJ) 2022.

JHU Mind Brain Institute

Developed Android application for a clinical experiment on multi-attribute decision making, advised by Dr. Ernst Niebur.


Google LLC, Software Engineering Intern

Summer 2022, YouTube Trust & Safety
Detect YouTube commenter spam using topological features of video-commenter engagement graph.

Summer 2021, Google Play infrastructure
Developed monitoring and alerting for server memory usage.

Summer 2020, STEP intern, Google Maps
Created world map of trending Google searches & sentiments of search results.

Teaching Experience

Information Retrieval (Spring 2022)
Natural Language Processing (Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
Applying Cognitive Neuroscience to AI (Fall 2021)
Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
Gateway Computing: Python (Spring 2020)


Check out some dance videos from my traditional Chinese dance team in college!